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The UserManager class is the core logic of FastAPI Users. We provide the BaseUserManager class which you should extend to set some parameters and define logic, for example when a user just registered or forgot its password.

It's designed to be easily extensible and customizable so that you can integrate less generic logic.

Create your UserManager class

You should define your own version of the UserManager class to set various parameters.

from typing import Optional

from fastapi import Depends, Request
from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

from .db import get_user_db
from .models import UserCreate, UserDB


class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    user_db_model = UserDB
    reset_password_token_secret = SECRET
    verification_token_secret = SECRET

    async def on_after_register(self, user: UserDB, request: Optional[Request] = None):
        print(f"User {} has registered.")

    async def on_after_forgot_password(
        self, user: UserDB, token: str, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"User {} has forgot their password. Reset token: {token}")

    async def on_after_request_verify(
        self, user: UserDB, token: str, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"Verification requested for user {}. Verification token: {token}")

async def get_user_manager(user_db=Depends(get_user_db)):
    yield UserManager(user_db)

As you can see, you have to define here various attributes and methods. You can find the complete list of those below.

Create get_user_manager dependency

The UserManager class will be injected at runtime using a FastAPI dependency. This way, you can run it in a database session or swap it with a mock during testing.

from typing import Optional

from fastapi import Depends, Request
from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

from .db import get_user_db
from .models import UserCreate, UserDB


class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    user_db_model = UserDB
    reset_password_token_secret = SECRET
    verification_token_secret = SECRET

    async def on_after_register(self, user: UserDB, request: Optional[Request] = None):
        print(f"User {} has registered.")

    async def on_after_forgot_password(
        self, user: UserDB, token: str, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"User {} has forgot their password. Reset token: {token}")

    async def on_after_request_verify(
        self, user: UserDB, token: str, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"Verification requested for user {}. Verification token: {token}")

async def get_user_manager(user_db=Depends(get_user_db)):
    yield UserManager(user_db)

Notice that we use the get_user_db dependency we defined earlier to inject the database instance.

Customize attributes and methods


  • user_db_model: Pydantic model of a DB representation of a user.
  • reset_password_token_secret: Secret to encode reset password token. Use a strong passphrase and keep it secure.
  • reset_password_token_lifetime_seconds: Lifetime of reset password token. Defaults to 3600.
  • reset_password_token_audience: JWT audience of reset password token. Defaults to fastapi-users:reset.
  • verification_token_secret: Secret to encode verification token. Use a strong passphrase and keep it secure.
  • verification_token_lifetime_seconds: Lifetime of verification token. Defaults to 3600.
  • verification_token_audience: JWT audience of verification token. Defaults to fastapi-users:verify.



Validate a password.


  • password (str): the password to validate.
  • user (Union[UserCreate, User]): user model which we are currently validating the password. Useful if you want to check that the password doesn't contain the name or the birthdate of the user for example.


This function should return None if the password is valid or raise InvalidPasswordException if not. This exception expects an argument reason telling why the password is invalid. It'll be part of the error response.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager, InvalidPasswordException

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def validate_password(
        password: str,
        user: Union[UserCreate, UserDB],
    ) -> None:
        if len(password) < 8:
            raise InvalidPasswordException(
                reason="Password should be at least 8 characters"
        if in password:
            raise InvalidPasswordException(
                reason="Password should not contain e-mail"


Perform logic after successful user registration.

Typically, you'll want to send a welcome e-mail or add it to your marketing analytics pipeline.


  • user (UserDB): the registered user.
  • request (Optional[Request]): optional FastAPI request object that triggered the operation. Defaults to None.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def on_after_register(self, user: UserDB, request: Optional[Request] = None):
        print(f"User {} has registered.")


Perform logic after successful user update.

It may be useful, for example, if you wish to update your user in a data analytics or customer success platform.


  • user (UserDB): the updated user.
  • update_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary with the updated user fields.
  • request (Optional[Request]): optional FastAPI request object that triggered the operation. Defaults to None.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def on_after_update(
        user: UserDB,
        update_dict: Dict[str, Any],
        request: Optional[Request] = None,
        print(f"User {} has been updated with {update_dict}.")


Perform logic after successful verification request.

Typically, you'll want to send an e-mail with the link (and the token) that allows the user to verify their e-mail.


  • user (UserDB): the user to verify.
  • token (str): the verification token.
  • request (Optional[Request]): optional FastAPI request object that triggered the operation. Defaults to None.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def on_after_request_verify(
        self, user: UserDB, token: str, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"Verification requested for user {}. Verification token: {token}")


Perform logic after successful user verification.

This may be useful if you wish to send another e-mail or store this information in a data analytics or customer success platform.


  • user (UserDB): the verified user.
  • request (Optional[Request]): optional FastAPI request object that triggered the operation. Defaults to None.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def on_after_verify(
        self, user: UserDB, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"User {} has been verified")


Perform logic after successful forgot password request.

Typically, you'll want to send an e-mail with the link (and the token) that allows the user to reset their password.


  • user (UserDB): the user that forgot its password.
  • token (str): the forgot password token
  • request (Optional[Request]): optional FastAPI request object that triggered the operation. Defaults to None.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def on_after_forgot_password(
        self, user: UserDB, token: str, request: Optional[Request] = None
        print(f"User {} has forgot their password. Reset token: {token}")


Perform logic after successful password reset.

For example, you may want to send an e-mail to the concerned user to warn him that their password has been changed and that they should take action if they think they have been hacked.


  • user (UserDB): the user that reset its password.
  • request (Optional[Request]): optional FastAPI request object that triggered the operation. Defaults to None.


from fastapi_users import BaseUserManager

class UserManager(BaseUserManager[UserCreate, UserDB]):
    # ...
    async def on_after_reset_password(self, user: UserDB, request: Optional[Request] = None):
        print(f"User {} has reset their password.")
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