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We're almost there! The last step is to configure the FastAPIUsers object that will wire the user manager, the authentication classes and let us generate the actual API routes.

Configure FastAPIUsers

Configure FastAPIUsers object with the elements we defined before. More precisely:

  • get_user_manager: Dependency callable getter to inject the user manager class instance. See UserManager.
  • auth_backends: List of authentication backends. See Authentication.
import uuid

from fastapi_users import FastAPIUsers

from .db import User

fastapi_users = FastAPIUsers[User, uuid.UUID](

Typing: User and ID generic types are expected

You can see that we define two generic types when instantiating:

  • User, which is the user model we defined in the database part
  • The ID, which should correspond to the type of ID you use on your model. Here, we chose UUID, but it can be anything, like an integer or a MongoDB ObjectID.

It'll help you to have good type-checking and auto-completion.

Available routers

This helper class will let you generate useful routers to setup the authentication system. Each of them is optional, so you can pick only the one that you are interested in! Here are the routers provided:

  • Auth router: Provides /login and /logout routes for a given authentication backend.
  • Register router: Provides /register routes to allow a user to create a new account.
  • Reset password router: Provides /forgot-password and /reset-password routes to allow a user to reset its password.
  • Verify router: Provides /request-verify-token and /verify routes to manage user e-mail verification.
  • Users router: Provides routes to manage users.
  • OAuth router: Provides routes to perform an OAuth authentication against a service provider (like Google or Facebook).

You should check out each of them to understand how to use them.